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Staff from World of Minecraft and the Land and Housing Corporation will attend Red Hill Public School on the 19th and 20th September to deliver a series of workshops to all students. The order of the workshops can be found below in the workshop organisation table. 


Teachers of classes in each stage will bring their students to the school library with their devices to participate in the workshop. 


The school library will be set up for all students to collaborate in a purpose-built Minecraft world created in Minecraft Education. Students will access the program and the world via an interactive board as well as their own devices. 


  • All teachers are to ensure that all students have their own device to use (sharing a device is not recommended).

  • Each device is to have a version of Minecraft Education (v1.20.12) installed (via an iPad Device Management system or via the NSW DoE IT catalogue). 

  • NSW DoE specific information about Minecraft Education can be found here.

  • NSW DoE specific information about the new licencing arrangements for all students can be found here.

  • General information about Minecraft Education can be found here.

  • Teachers and students may use laptops, Chromebooks, iPads and tablets to participate in the workshop.

  • Please ensure all students know their Department of Education username and password (or have details printed to be readily available at the workshop).

  • The teacher should bring a power cable for their device to the library as Minecraft Education is a very heavy resource (and uses a lot of battery). This is necessary as each teacher is hosting their own 'Tolland World'. If the teacher disconnects, their class will disconnect and this could lead to the loss of work.

  • One class will join World of Minecraft's world and this will be projected onto the Interactive Board. This world will be shared with the teacher after the workshop so that they can continue with developing Tolland Estate.

  • Teachers can share the Student Information page with their class.


  • Teachers are to familiarise themselves with the workshop organisation timetable (below) and attend Library at designated time (as promptly as possible to maximise the time of the workshop).

  • Teachers are to ensure that Minecraft Education V1.20.12 is downloaded onto their device and onto student  devices. Please see your school ICT representative for assistance.

  • Teachers are to save the 'Tolland World' file and IMPORT this Minecraft World into their Minecraft Education on their device (please refer to guide). This is so students can work in your world. This will make you the owner and students will only be able to join if you launch the world. Teachers are permitted to develop their 'class' world after the workshop.

  • Review this page to have full visibility of what the workshop entails.

  • As the teacher, you will not necessarily need to 'build' anything in Minecraft - your primary role is to supervise students and to ensure that your class are connected and are making positively contributions.

  • Feel free to create a world in Minecraft Education and have a play with or without your class. It is very easy to use and you will very quickly learn that this is a student-centered resource and you are allowed to follow the lead of your students (and trust me, they will love this!). Watch this resource to get you started.

  • In this workshop, students will be playing in a Creative and Peaceful world. The games settings will permit a daylight cycle (so that it will mimic a 'natural' day - daytime and night time, there will be no mobs (anything that blows up and destroys their work), and 'Fire Spreads, TNT explodes and Mob Loot' will be turned off. All students will be a member in the world. Teachers will be an operator giving only the teacher full admin and user rights to the world. Should a student participate negatively, the teacher may either mute the student (kick them out of the world) or turn them into a Visitor (they are still in the world, but can only view). Watch this video to gain a full understanding of this terminology.

  • Feel free to share this and the student page with your students prior to the workshop so that they understand the rules and expectations of the workshop.

  • Please note that the class that will be joining Noelene's world will be screen recorded (their activities in Minecraft Education only) for the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. Sound will not be captured.

  • To learn more about the Tolland Estate, please click here.



  • GEe-1:  identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people

  • GE1-1:  describes features of places and the connections people have with place

  • GE1-2:  identifies ways in which people interact with and care for places

  • GE2-1:  examines features and characteristics of places and environments

  • GE2-2:  describes the ways people, places and environments interact

  • GE2-3:  examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments

  • GE3-1:  describes the diverse features and characteristics of places and environments

  • GE3-2:  explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments

  • GEe-2:  communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools

  • GE1-3:  communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools for inquiry

  • GE2-4:  acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry

  • GE3-4:  acquires, processes and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry



  • STe-2DP-T:  develops solutions to an identified need

  • ST1-2DP-T:  uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

  • ST1-3DP-T:  describes, follows and represents algorithms to solve problems

  • ST2-2DP-T:  selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

  • ST2-3DP-T:  defines problems, describes and follows algorithms to develop solutions

  • ST3-2DP-T:  plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

  • ST3-3DP-T:  defines problems, and designs, modifies and follows algorithms to develop solutions

  • ST1-4LW-S:  describes observable features of living things and their environments

  • ST3-7MW-T:  explains how the properties of materials determines their use for a range of purposes




  • Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing

  • Word knowledge

  • Visual knowledge

  • Text knowledge



  • Estimating and calculating with whole numbers

  • Recognising and using patterns and relationships

  • Using spatial reasoning

  • Using measurement



  • Applying social and ethical protocols and practices when  using ICT

  • Creating with ICT

  • Communicating with ICT



  • Generating ideas, possibilities and actions

  • Reflecting on thinking and processes



  • Social management​

  • Social awareness



  • Reasoning in decision making and actions



  • Interacting and empathising with others



  • The newly developed local suburb called Tolland.

  • How Tolland Estate will house approximately 500 new mixed-tenure homes including180 new social housing that fits seamlessly into the local streetscape.

  • Approaches to city planning that include a mix of new social, affordable, seniors housing and private housing, along with new community facilities, roads and parks.


  • Use planning maps to learn about a new suburb.

  • Use 4D tools such as Minecraft Education to experience the suburb.

  • Use mathematical concepts to navigate and build houses, facilities and parks.

  • Use geographical skills and concepts to learn and understand the importance of the Tolland estate.

  • Use collaborative strategies to plan and build in the Tolland estate.



  • Acknowledgement of Country.

  • Introductions by staff at World of Minecraft and Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

  • Introduction and explanation of Tolland Estate.
  • Ask students if they have heard of it.
  • Look at Planning Maps of Tolland and explain where it is in relation to Red Hill Public School.
  • Introduce Minecraft/Minecraft Education.
  • Do a fly through of Tolland in Minecraft on the interactive board for all to see.
  • Explain how the workshop will run and what they will be expected to do:
    • Rules and Expectations​ (especially Griefing)
    • Game mode of students and the Education settings
    • Identify which class will join Noelene's and those that will join their class teacher.
    • Go through the learning activities
      • Identify what is needed in a new town - infrastructure, natural and man-made resources
      • Determine ​which block of land they will collaborate on and build their dream home
      • Develop the park in the town centre
      • Build a communal structure (such as a church, hospital, store, fast food outlet)
  • ​​How to connect to their teachers


CRAFTING 60 mins

  • Ask teachers to start their world and share their join code to their students.

  • Students to join - provide assistance if needed.

  • Start crafting.


CLOSE 15 mins

  • Review activity

  • Close workshop

    • Teacher to save and quit​.

    • All students pack-up and close/turn off devices.

    • Thank students and their teachers for attending.

    • Ask teachers to direct students to class.

    • Dismiss class.




Red Hill PS Timetable.png


Tolland Minecraft Education

Tolland Minecraft Education



ABN: 91 660 014 451


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